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SAAS Museum

Manufacturer: GKRE
Model: ML16
Country of Origin: Russia
Years of Manufacture: 1959
Type: Ribbon
Polar Pattern: FIGURE 8
Rarity Scale: 10/10

DETAILED DESCRIPTION (click to expand)

This is a GKRE ML-16 from 1959, it is the early version of the more well-known and relatively common Oktava ML-16. GKRE was the "Soviet Ministry of The Radio Engineering Industry”, and much like IRPA, they developed audio equipment and manufactured it in very small quantities. This is the only GKRE ML-16 I’ve ever seen. The fact that it’s #3 out of 333 is especially cool, since I have always numbered any personal limited edition projects out of 333, and have always kept #3 for myself.

The ML16 is a bi-directional ribbon microphone - the Oktava version is really a fantastic sounding microphone with a full but controlled  low frequency response and a surprisingly natural extended high frequency response that isn’t commonly associated with other ribbon mics of this era. Unfortunately I cannot compare how this GKRE version sounds at this time, because as you can see, the ribbon is stretched and sagging. It appears to have a similar (if not identical) toroidal output transformer though, so I’m curious to see how it sounds after servicing.

HEAR THE GKRE ML16 (click for info)

Audio sample coming soon.



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